10 Work From Home Jobs You Can Get During the Pandemic: How To Pay Your Bills

Canva man at desk

How do you find a job and stay safe at the same time? Working from home is the solution but It's hard to know where to begin. Many very talented peoples are making great money from home, but what if you don't have graphic or marketing talents. Well this list of jobs you can work from home will help. Read on.

I watched many Youtube videos for some money making hustles and these are some I believe you will find very useful and If you have a laptop and cell phone these are some jobs you can check out I wish you the best and keep your head up. We will get through this together!

1. Transcribing and Captioning: Scribie
www.scribie.com | Pays $5- $25 per file | Minimal Qualifications

2. Mock Jury: Online Verdict
www.onlineverdict.com| $5 - $25 per audio | Minimal Qualifications

3. Magic Ears: Become a Tutor
t.mmears.com Pays up to $26 per hour Bachelors degree

4. Internet Ads Evaluator: Lionbridge
www.thesmartcrowd.com up to $14 per Hour /paid monthly: Test to Qualify

5. Microtasks: Clickworker
www.clickworker.com  Paysup to $8/HR.Weekly Test to Qualify
  • Reseach 
  • data entry
  • surveys
 6. Amazon Mechanical Turk
www.mturk.com| Pays $6-$12 | Minimal Qualifications
  • Data process
  • identifying picture
  • surveys
7. OutPlex
www.outplex.com | pay $9 per hour | Good communication and typing skills

8. Beta Testing
www.betatesting.com | pay $25 | Minimal Qualification

9. Mail Decoys: US Monitor
www.usmonitor.com | $35 - $200 monthly | Minimal Qualification
Receive mail for companies to evaluation the time it takes to arrive and the quality. 100+ pieces a month

10. Focus Group: Probe Market Research
www.probemarket.com | Pay $50 - $400 per session | Minimal Qualification
Get paid to tell others what you think in a group of people

BONUS: Social Media Manager $99 Social
www.99social.com | Pay a$12 hour | Minimal Qualification
They will train!

See how you can work  and be in control without qualifying!